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6 Cozy Hygge-Inspired Books for a Relaxing Read

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When you develop a new interest, it often starts with reading a book or two. That's how I began exploring hygge, discovering its true meaning. It was a pleasant surprise to realize that I had been practicing hygge my whole life, and maybe you have too! These books will inspire you and help you discover how to add more cozy details to your everyday life.

Image of six hygge-inspired books

  1. The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living - Hardcover | Kindle | Audiobook

  2. American Cozy: Hygge-Inspired Ways to Create Comfort & Happiness - Hardcover | Kindle

  3. The Scandinavian Guide to Happiness: The Nordic Art of Happy & Balanced Living with Fika, Lagom, Hygge, and More! - Hardcover

  4. The Art of Making Memories: How to Create and Remember Happy Moments - Hardcover

  5. The Little Book of Lykke: Secrets of the World's Happiest People - Hardcover | Kindle | Audiobook

  6. The Little Book of Fika: The Uplifting Daily Ritual of the Swedish Coffee Break - Hardcover | Kindle

Happy reading!


About the Blogger

Kelly Mercer enjoys writing topics related to the beach, hygge, and home decor. She currently resides in Wilmington, NC, with her family.


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